insect bites and stings

Identify & Deal with Insect Bites and Stings in This Summer

Today we’re going to share a different topic and that’s insect bites and stings in this summer along with their simple remedies. Before proceeding let us explain the summer bites. You know in the summertime you spend more time outdoors. It means that you have more chance to get bitten by critters. All you’ll get is a little red bump with itching and possibly a little swelling most of the time. The insect bites treatment can be done easily with over-the-counter antihistamines and anti-itch creams. But, sometimes they can be the cause of allergic reactions and may lead to shortness of breath and severe swelling. So, you need to be seen by a doctor if that happens to you this season.

Some Insect Bites and Stings in This Summer to Identify and Deal with

If you read this guide completely, you’ll be able to identify and deal with 9 insect bites and stings in this summer. Okay, know them in details so that you can be cautious and protect you and your family members.

Insect Bites and Stings: Spider Bites

As you know there are a thousand types of spiders that are crawling around you in the US. But, they are arachnids not insects in the technical term. However, even those are rare only two of them–the black widow and the brown recluse–can cause serious problems. If you’re bitten by a spider you’ll see red bumps that hurt and itch most of the time. Also, it’s very rare that people get the severe pain and cramping of a widow bite or the decaying ulcers of a recluse bite.

Simple Insect Bites Treatment:  There is medical help right away if you are in this circumstance. Besides, you can get insect bites treatment at home because most of the spiders are nonvenomous. So, apply antibiotic ointment after a good wash with soap and water. Then take rest using a cold compress so that you can reduce possible swelling and pain. Moreover, you have to elevate the arm or leg where the insect has bitten. Also, you can get help with Over-the-counter pain relievers and antihistamines.

Insect Bites and Stings: Fly Bites

Although flies in the US normally don’t transmit disease, the bites can be savage. For example, horse and deer flies will cut and tear your flesh with their scissor-like mouths. Moreover, some people do have allergic reactions to their saliva but, the flies aren’t venomous although. You can get treatment of the reactions from a doctor. Black flies can really hurt you. In rare cases, sand flies can pass on a skin disease called leishmaniasis if they appear en masse because they have vicious bites. It can be the cause of your skin scarring.

Simple Insect Bites Treatment:  Flies are flying nuisances and their bites can be treated with oral and topical antihistamines for the most part, though.

Mosquito bites

Mosquitoes make the insect bites and stings to human beings. We all are familiar with mosquito bites, which is well-known to spread various diseases. mosquitoes feed on blood, and they can pass on various viruses including dengue, Zika, yellow fever, West Nile, and malaria because most of the time you’ll just experience a red pimple and itchy skin. Your blood can spread illness if anything feeds on it. a public health entomologist with the Georgia Department of Public Health in Atlanta, Rosmarie Kelly, Ph.D., MPH, says, “mosquitoes are your prime example.” She also adds, “Most are a nuisance and some are more than that.”

Simple Insect Bites Treatment: If this happens, such as with hives, blisters, vomiting, and difficulty breathing, see a doctor soon. Moreover, mosquito bites may cause the severe allergic reactions. Besides, if you have a fever, body aches, headaches, or any other signs of infection after a bite, then definitely see a doctor.

Tick bites

Tick also makes the insect bites and stings to human beings as similar to the mosquitoes. Ticks are responsible for passing Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, West Nile, and tularemia to humans In the U.S. But, the risk factors for each disease depend on the geographic condition. For example, West Nile is more common in the Northeast. Besides, all of the diseases come with some common symptoms. Kelly says about this tick disease, “All tick diseases have classic flu-like symptoms and some have a rash, we tell people if they have a tick attached to themselves, they need to go to their doctor if they have flu-like symptoms within three weeks during tick season.”

Simple Insect Bites Treatment: Most tick bites can be treated with antibiotics, but they have to be correctly diagnosed first.

Flea Bites

Although fleas are the bane of cats and dogs, they can human begins as well. If you get fleas to bite you’ll see little red bumps. Usually, they bite on your feet and ankles sometimes and there will be three bumps together. But, the important thing about flea bites s that you must avoid scratching them. Because itching can pull bacteria into the skin and cause an infection the organisms defecate when they bite you. If your allergic itching is the main symptom of flea bites though. Itching is the main symptom of flea bites that may cause breathing problems. Also, infected bites swell and fill with pus. Although fleas are typically more of a nuisance than a health threat, they are in some areas of the country, such as New Mexico. They can transmit potentially life-threatening plague and hantavirus.

Simple Insect Bites Treatment: To reduce itching and allergic reactions, you can use Oral antihistamines or topical ointments or lotions. Also, an oatmeal solution might help for a lukewarm bath. But, avoid taking hot showers or baths, which can worsen the itching.

Bed bug bites

Bed bug bites are similar to the flu of the insect bites and stings to human beings of the insect world. Also, they spread as the wildfire. Kelly says about them, “They’re a huge problem because they’re good hitchhikers and, in some areas of the U.S., they’ve become a very large problem first in hotels and now in apartments and multi-unit housing. They don’t carry diseases, but they certainly can [cause] bad reactions.” Although some people have no reaction at all to a bed bug bite, others have bitten marks–red bumps that itch and swell. But, usually, they don’t appear for days or even two weeks afterward. Because they inject an anesthetic you can’t feel bed bugs bite and sometimes the bites appear in a line.

Simple Insect Bites Treatment: You must get medical help. And yes you must take steps to chuck out of the infestation.

Head lice bites

As kids are–literally–more likely to put their heads together, head lice are much more common in children than adults largely. So, they spread easily from one head to the other. Mainly on the scalp, ears, and neck, after they lay their eggs, head lice cause itchiness, called nits. They may look like dandruff flaking off your head after the nits hatch. Kelly says about head lice, “Itching on your head is a pretty good sign that you have head lice. They don’t carry disease, but they’re a huge nuisance.”

Simple Insect Bites Treatment: both over-the-counter and prescription, Medicated shampoos can help get rid of them. Also, you can comb and re-combing disposing of the critters from your hair carefully. Make sure you clean bedding and clothing that could have been infested in hot water. Don’t share anything that goes on your head if you do get head lice.


These were about insect bites and stings along with insect bites treatment in this summer. Although these are a few thousand types of insect bites in this season, there are a lot. These include Chigger bites, Ant bites, and much more. Besides, if you find the post helpful, let us know it commenting below. And share the post with others so that they can be cautious about the insect bites and stings as well.

Educated in English graduation from the National University of Bangladesh. A Professional content writer-cum-virtual assistant at CodeCares.

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