stages of cancer

Different stages of cancer: Learn all about this dangerous disease

In this article we will show you the different stages of cancer, why they originate and the consequences that this horrible disease brings.

Living focused on obtaining material goods, achieving external beauty, building interpersonal relationships is how most people live today.

Until one day we lose health, and that is when our priorities begin to change, and we try to change the way we are leading life.

However, not always those who lead a healthy lifestyle, with balanced diets manage to escape from diseases, but they manage to reduce them greatly.

For example, they stay away from tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption, or abuse of sun exposure.

In the same way, those who take care of their health try to have continuous medical check-ups, since it is the only way to detect some diseases in time.

Statistics of the different stages of cancer

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the population worldwide. More than 13 million people approximately suffer from it according to the World Health Organization.

This disease is one of the most feared diseases by most of the people in the world.

Cancer does not distinguish between races, social stratum, beliefs, or age, which not only affects the sufferer but the whole family.

An often silent disease that has been impossible to determine exactly what causes it, but several risk factors can increase the chances of suffering cancer.

Some risk factors may be modified, but others not, such as family history, sex or age, although these are not determinants.

Presenting one or several risk factors does not always mean that you can get cancer, just as some people may not have any known risk factor and also suffer from it.

Although some types of cancer have genetic risk factors, the vast majority of people with cancer have not inherited it from their parents.

How many stages of cancer, are there?, what are the differences and similarities between the different cancer stages?

Where cancer is originated?

Cancer can originate in different parts of the body, including blood. There are more than 200 different types, each with particular characteristics according to its location.

The main difference between some types of cancer is how quickly they grow and spread, some very quickly and others do so more slowly.

The response to treatments: some people respond better with radiation treatments or medications, and others with surgery.

All types of cancer are caused by abnormal cells, which cannot replace new cells, giving way to the excessive growth of cancer cells that displace normal cells.

When the growth of cancer cells occurs and not being detected in time, they can spread to other parts of the body and cause major damage.

What are the different stages of cancer?

When we talk about the phases or stages of cancer, we talk about how large or how much cancer has spread throughout the body.

Very important data for the oncologist, since that will allow him to define the type of treatment that the patient should receive.

The stages of cancer, will depend on the type of cancer that the person suffers, and to a large extent also depends on the age.

In adults it can last from months to decades, while in children the process is much faster.

In children last even only a few months since the cells that make up the tumors are more immature and multiply more rapidly than in adults.

That is why in infants, the development and evolution of tumors appear in a shorter period. A cancer diagnosis always scares those who suffer from it.

Knowing the stage can sometimes be positive news, especially when it is in an early stage, giving hope to fight the disease.

Know the different stages of cancer

1. Stage 0

It is the first change at the cellular level, giving them the characteristics of malignancy.

It is called the induction phase and is the longest stage; not always diagnosable since it does not produce symptoms.

2. Stage I

The second phase or stage called “in situ,” in adults usually lasts between 5 and 10 years, no symptoms or discomfort may appear yet.

Its main characteristic is that the cancerous lesion is still in its place of origin.

In some types of cancer such as breast, colon, or cervix doctor can diagnosed using methods that allow them to detect in time.

3. Stage II

In this stages of cancer, it begins to spread outside its point of origin invading adjacent organs and tissues.

It is the stage of local invasion, which in an adult can last between one and five years.

The major symptoms appear depending on the type of cancer, its location, and growth.

4. Metastasis

Cancer has spread much more than its point of origin, giving way to the invasion of distant tumor lesions.

In this phase, the patient’s symptoms are quite complex, depending on the extent of the metastasis and the cancer type.

5. Terminal Phase or Stage IV

In stage IV, the disease is in an advanced and irreversible phase and no longer responds to treatments.

The symptoms are multiple, causing great discomfort in the patient intense pain decreasing its quality.

Medicine has made great advances in cancer research, causes, early and accurate diagnosis, personalized and focused treatments.

There are more advances such aspatient recovery, side effects, disease remission and many more.

Cancer survival rates have increased worldwide in the last decade. Scientists have created new techniques and medications to attack cancer cells. And giving higher hopes and favorable prospects for cancer patients.

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